Hi. I'd love to hear from you and promise to answer every email as promptly as possible.
Here's the address, formatted to keep those pesky scammers away: katey(at)kateylee(dot)(com).

I really do want to know who you consider to be your best friends -- old, new, young, older (one of my best friends is my 90-year-old aunt in Maine), and, yes, male friends (OK, we can have men friends). And how you experience being friends. The good times, the bad times, and all the daily stuff in between.

I'm not a counselor or therapist. I can't help, nor should I, with problems or important issues that need expert help. What interests me is the positive side of friendship, what works and how. Tell me...

One Comment

  1. Hey Katey,

    I was looking for some information on best friend soulmates this morning and came across your article: “An Old Best Forever“.

    Good stuff! I especially liked your experience and seems like there were a lot of sentimental moments.

    Actually, I just put together an infographic on best friend soulmates.
    Let me know if you want to check it out.

    Hilary Fox


Thanks for your comment! ~Katey Lee

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