Do I have to say anything about these shoes? 

They speak for themselves. (If only they could!)

The pair was on deep sale at this tiny, terrific store here in Lexington, Virginia — Pumpkin Seeds — for $10. 

A fraction of their original cost. Maybe because they are a just a little odd for this neck of the Appalachian woods.

My heart went out to them.
They were like Disney Cinderella shoes, maybe the ones worn by one of the awful sisters before she chopped her feet down trying to fit in the glass slipper. The brand is "Mere," which I cannot find online anywhere, except some company in Sydney that makes comfy-style lace-ups.

But, I hesitated. Where was I going to actually wear them? When Tom, one of the store's owners, prodded me I said as much. A Washington & Lee U. student (the school is in Lexington) standing next to me, also trying on shoes, looked over and said in an "of course, silly" tone: "Wear them out to dinner!" Clearly she'd done a lot of shopping rationalizations in her short life. Excellent New Best Friend Forever material.

That's all the excuse I needed. I wore them out that night, with jeans and the adorable green beads in the picture (also from Pumpkin Seeds).

And that's all the excuse you'll need the next time you fall in love with a pair of shoes.

INSTANT Gratification: Zappos — “You’re gonna fall in love. Consider yourself warned.”

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